Department of Science and Humanities comprises of the faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English. Faculty members of the department have rich academic experience in their respective areas and research experience with outstanding research publications in reputed journals. The department is supported by three doctorates, few are about to complete Ph.D., and others are pursuing for Ph.D.
Science is the basis for all the branches of engineering discipline, which aims at providing competitive quality education to students so as to lay basic profound foundation in all the branches of Engineering. It caters to the needs of the society and carves the younger generation into good citizens, leading the budding engineers in the path of success. It follows the best teaching methodologies and imparts technical knowledge besides developing soft skills which helps the students to project themselves as a competent professionals who could independently apply knowledge to become a successful technocrat.
The department has an ongoing sponsored project run by the Principal Investigator-Dr. K. Nagashri “synthesis, structures and cytotoxicity studies on simple and mixed ligand copper(ii) complexes of certain hydroxyflavones” Sponsored by DST fast track grants scheme with a grant of Rs 29 lakhs.
The department is also in the process of having an approved research center.
The laboratory is equipped with latest instruments and peripherals. Apart from the basic experiments, Engineering Physics Lab has a separate Dark room for performing optics related experiments. Major equipments in the Physics Laboratory include:
- Newton Ring Microscope
- Ultrasonic Interferometer
- Spectrometer for study of diffraction of light
- Complete set for Hall Effect Experiment
- Michelson Interferometer
- Set for experiment based on Laser
The College has a spacious chemistry lab with sophisticated equipments such as spectrophotometer, flame photometer etc., and equipped with various types of digital instruments like pH meter, Conductivity meter, potentiometer, Electronic balance. The objective of the lab is to expose the students to the fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry. The lab is also facilitated with a separate Distillation unit for distilled water preparation and a hot air oven to do experiments.
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the paper | Participation / Publication |
1 | Ms.K. Nagashri | SYNTHESIS,CHARACTERIZATIONS, CATALYTIC AND PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF COPPER COMPLEXES DERIVED FROM FLAVONES DERIVATIES – 18th -19th September 2014 | International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology |
2 | Ms.R. Bapitha | SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BIO-TEMPLATE ASSISTED LEAD OXIDE NANO PARTICLES – 22nd and 23th December 2014 | International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials |
3 | Ms.K. Gowri | INVESTIGATION ON MN DOPED ZNO THIN FILMS GROWN BY SPIN COATING TECHNIQUE – 22nd and 23th December 2014 | International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials |
4 | Mr.M. S Pradeep | TRANSCULTURAL INTERTEXTUALITY: READING ASIAN NORTH AMERICAN POETRY – 23rd January 2015 | UGC sponsored National Conference New Literature in the New millennium |
5 | Mr.M. Muthuvel | LONELINESS AND SELF IDENTITY SEARCH IN ARUNJOSHI’S “THE STRANGE CASE OF BILLY BISWAS” – 23rd January 2015 | UGC sponsored National Conference New Literature in the New millennium |
6 | Mr.V Rajeswaran | SEARCH FOR CULTURAL IDENTITY IN BHARATI MUKHERJEE’S JASMINE – 23rd January 2015 | UGC sponsored National Conference New Literature in the New millennium |
7 | Ms.K. Nagashri | — – 20th – 21th February, 2015 | Lecture workshop “Advance in chemical science” sponsored by India Academy of Science |
8 | Mr.M. S Pradeep | A REFLECTION OF CULTURAL CONFLICTS IN RABINDRANATH TAGORE’S “THE HOME AND THE WORLD” – 27th February 2015 | International Seminar on Commonwealth literature in English |
9 | Mr.M. Muthuvel | THE QUEST FOR IDENTITY IN ARUNJOSHI’S NOVEL – 27th February 2015 | International Seminar on Commonwealth literature in English |
10 | Mr.V Rajeswaran | AN IDENTIFY CRISIS EXPLORATION OF BHARATI MUKHERJEE’S DESIRABLE Daughters – 27th February 2015 | International Seminar on Commonwealth literature in English |